Exercise Therapy
Strengthen Your Body Today
Exercise is not only important for your overall health, but assists in the body’s recovery. Bouma Chiropractic recognizes the importance of strength and cardiovascular training. Utilize our in house exercise room for a small monthly fee.
The Importance Of Exercise
Exercise is an important component to maintaining health and overall function. Exercise can help to increase your cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance, and improve flexibility of a joint, and surrounding muscles. Exercise can be a crucial part of the healing process for chiropractic patients as well. Along with regular adjustments, strengthening the spine can help to reduce pain, maintain and/or improve posture and support the spine. This will help to prevent further injuries from occurring.
Why Exercise with Chiropractic Care
Studies show that chiropractic adjustments work best and are most effective when done in conjunction with exercise training. These “Active Chiropractic Care Plans” require that the patient also perform specific home exercises between adjustments. These exercises are determined and supervised by the doctor and are meant to not only restore function quicker, but more importantly, help the patient be less afraid of activity, gain confidence that they will be okay, and in the end improve the quality of daily life much sooner than with chiropractic adjustments alone.
The days of bed rest and “taking it easy” are over, and only tend to make conditions worse. Of course, there are certain cases where a day or two of rest is necessary, but as soon as a person is able to start resuming his or her typical activities of daily living, and push through the pain all the better.